FIND SOMEONE WHO... (Deadline: 28th sept.2014)
1. likes English (Do you like English?)
3. can tell a good joke
4. has more than one brother or sister
5. has visited a museum recently
6. has a pet
7. walks to school
8. celebrates his or her birthday the same month you do
9. went to the cinema last weekend
10. is reading a book at the moment
12. can sing very well
13. can play a musical instrument
14. is great at painting
15. is allergic
16. practises a sport
17. has the same breakfast you do
18. comes from a different area of Spain
19. loves dancing
20. gets up early at weekends
What did you find out about your classmates? Add your comments.
"I found out ..."
"I didn't know..."
"Now I know"
Jorge Macedo Pascual (1ºB)
ResponderEliminarI didn't know that Conchi has a pet, she has a dog, I also found out that she has eated recently at McDonalds.
I asked Carmen and she told me that she had had coffee for breakfast, and that she prefered taking showers instead of baths.
Now I know that Edu has travelled to Britain, and that he has visited a foreign country during summer break as well.
I would have never thought that Jaime doesn't like pizza, I discovered that he's good at maths.
Laura told me that he had visited more than two countries.
I didn't know that Andrea likes dancing, I also found out that she practices more than two sports.
Now I know that Pilar is an only child, I didn't think so.
I didn't know that Noelia was born out of Extremadura, she was born in Madrid, she also told me that she had been born in August too.
Raquel Vázquez Royo (1ºB)
ResponderEliminarI didn't know that Pilar has at least one grandparent still alive and now I also know that she visited a museum during the summer.
I found out that Laura walks to school every day, she also told me that she was born in August.
When I talked to Noelia she told me that she was born out of Extremadura.
Now I know that Carmen has visited more than two countries.
I didn't know that Conchi speaks more than two languages and that she has travelled to Britain.
I found out that Blanca doesn't like sweets and that she has read a good book over the last summer.
Now I know that Jaime doesn't like pizza and that Carlos can swim well.
I didn't know that Eloy likes dancing.
I also found that Ainoa practices more than two sports.
Miguel Angel Leo Acedo (1ºB)
ResponderEliminarI found out that Eloy has a pet, and now I also know that he has visited more than two countries.
I didn't know that Jorge takes showers instead of baths and know I also know that he has travelled to Britain.
Now I know that Carlos likes rice better than patatoes and that he can swim very well.
I dind't know that Samuel walks to school every day.
I found out that Irene visited a museum during the summer.
I didn't know that Luis was born in August and now I also know that he visited a foreign country during summer break.
I found out that Laura likes dancing.
I didn't know that Ana Belén speaks more than two languages, and now I also know that she read a good book over the last summer.
I found out that Alba was born in Jenuary.
I didn't now that Jorge has a pet, he has birds and he speaks more than two languages!!
ResponderEliminarI found out that Javier had drank coffe at breakfast on Thursday.
Now I know that Virginia is the only person who was born in January.
I didn't know that Edu likes rice better than potatoes.
Now I know that Pilar likes dancing and she read a book over the last summer.
I found out that Carmen doesn't like sweets!
I didn't know that Jaime has travelled to britand, he also told me that he is good at maths.
Now I know that Noelia was born out of Extremadura.
Andrea Cáceres Rodríguez- 1ºB
Ana Pedrero Espinosa (1º B)
ResponderEliminarI didn't know Irene likes McDonalds and she has eaten recently.
I found out that Karen walks to school every day.
I was talking with Pilar and now I know more about her like she takes showers instead of baths, she is an only child and she likes dancing (like Eloy).
Now I know Blanca speaks more than two languages and she doesn't like sweets.
I found out Jorge visited a foreign country during summer break and he has a pet.
I also know, Jaime and Irene were born in January and Luisfer was born in August. Now I know Andrea practices more than two sports.
I found out Carlos can swim very well.
I didn't know that Carmen has a pet, she has a dog and she told me that she had visited more than two countries.
ResponderEliminarI found out that Carlos had drank coffe at breakfast on Thursday.
I would have never thought that Jaime doesn't like pizza and I didn't know that he's good at maths.
I didn't know that Ana likes rice better than potatoes.
When I talked to Raquel she told me that she is an only child.
I found out that Laura doesn't like sweets!
I discovered that Irene Bermúdez is the only person who was born in January.
Blanca told me that she speaks more than two languages.
Now I know that Noelia and Jorge were born out of Extremadura, and also she had been born in August.
Conchi Rodríguez Rojo – (1ºB)
Now I know that Noelia, Karent and Jorge were born out of Extremadura.
ResponderEliminarI didn't know Irene and Eloy likes McDonalds and they have eaten recently.
Now I know Blanca speaks more than two languages, she doesn't like sweets and she has a pet.
Now I know that Irene born in January, as I and also she practices more than two sport.
I didn't know that Ana and Edu likes rice better than potatoes.
I found out Conchi visited a foreing country during summer break and also she has travelled to Britain.
I didn´t know Jaime doesn't like pizza.
I found out Ines taht read a good book over last summer.
Alba Jimenez Ramón -(1ºB)
Eva Rodríguez Rodríguez (1º B)
ResponderEliminarI didn't know that Ana Belén speaks more than two languages. She speaks Spanish, English and French.
Now I know that Jaime doesn't like pizza and Blanca doesn't like sweets.
When I talked with Jorge, he told me that he visited a foreing country during summer break.
I discovered that Samuel can swim well and Irene likes dancing.
I din't know that Ainoa has a pet. She has got a litttle dog.
When I talked with Noelia she told me that she was born out of Extremadura. She was born in Madrid.
Now I know that Alba was born in January and Luisfer was born in August.
I didn't know that Raquel is an only child.
I found out that Miguel Ángel has visited more than two countries. She told me that he has visited France, Portugal and Great Britain.
Laura Ojalvo Ortega,1º BACH B
ResponderEliminarI didn´t know that Irene Bermúdez has a pet,she has a cat,and I didn´t know that she has read a good book over the last summer.
I found out that Pilar has at least one grandparent still alive,and I didn´t knw that Pilar has visited more than two countries.
I found ot that Miguel takes showers instead baths.
I know that Carlos Rumbo plays in a basketball team and he looks after himself but he told me that he prefer blue better than red or orange.
Jorge Macedois a passionate guy to know new countries, he visited a foreign countriy during summer break,he has travelled to Britain;and he is an interesting person because he knows a lot of things,he visited a museum during the summer.
To most of the class like sweet,but I found out that Samuel does not like sweet,and I didn´t know that Samuel walks to school every day.
Noelia was born out of Extremadura,apparently she was born in Madrid,and I didn´t know that she drank coffee atbreakfast today.
I was surprised when Ana Belén told me that she speaks more than two languages(French and English).
When I talked to Jaime he told me that he was born in January,and I didn´t know but he told me also that he doesn´t like pizza.
I didn´t believe when Inés told me that she wants to study a degree in mathematics,apparently she is good at maths,she loves it.
Raquel is my old friend and I know that she is an only child,but I didn´t know that she can swim well.
Karenis shy,I don´t know but she appears friendly and I found out that she likes dancing.
And talking about dance...I didn´t know but when I talked with Ainoa she told me that she likes practise sports like running,cycling...
Mmmm,I found out that like me Jorge Macedo and Luisfer were born in August.
And well,at the last moment Eloy told me that he can play chess,but he refer other things.
Ainoa De La Osa 1ºBach.(B)
ResponderEliminarI found out that Samuel has a pet.
I didn´t know that Ana Belen has at least one grandparent still alive and I found out about Ana Blene that she has visited more than two countries.
I didn´t know that Virginia has eaten at McDonalds recently and now I know about Virginia that she walks to school every day.
I found out that Eva drank coffee at breakfast today.
I didn´t know that Eloy speaks more than two languages.
Now I know that Irene is good at math.
I didn´t know that Raquel is an only child.
I found out that Jaime doesn't like pizza and Blanca doesn't like sweets.
I didn´t know that Laura likes dancing anda now I know about Laura that she visited a foreign country during summer break.
I found out that Luis Fernando was born in August.
Now I know that Ines read a good book over the last summer.
ResponderEliminarI found out that Eduardo visited a museum during the summer.
Now I know that Inés and Ana Rosa are good at math and now I also know that Ana Rosa has a pet, a dog.
I didn’t know that Jaime doesn’t like pizza and Samuel doesn’t like sweets.
I found out that Laura was born in August and I didn’t know that I am the only person who was born in January.
Now I know that Eva can swim very well and now I also know that Miguel can play chess.
I didn’t know that the only persons who were born out of Extremadura are Noelia, Jorge and Karent.
Pilar told me that she is an only child and she has a least one grandparent still alive.
I found out that Eloy speaks more than two languages and I also found out that Jorge Macedo visited a foreign country during summer break.
Eduardo Durán Gutiérrez
ResponderEliminarI didn't know that Jorge was born in August.
Now I know that Karent was born out of Extremadura.
I would have never imagined that Andrea is good at math and she doesn't like sweets !!
I found out that Samu is an only child.
Now I know that Romana likes dancing.
I have never thought that Pilar has travelled to Britain.
I didn't know that Inés Carmen Drank coffe at breakfast that day.
And I found out that Ana can speaks more than two languages
Irene Gallego Moreno 1º BACH B
ResponderEliminarI’m surprised, Jorge Macedo has a pet, i thinked he hates them, and i also found out he visited foreign country during summer break.
I found out someone that speaks more than two languages, she is Ana Belén.
Formerly, I didn’t know that Eva doesn’t like pizza, it is very strange!
Now that I have asked to the people I can know that Irene Bermudez has eaten at Mcdonalds recently.
Carlos likes dancing, i would have never imagined.
I didn't know that Laura walks to school every day, she lives far away.
When I talked with Virginia she told me that she is good at math, i could ask for help before long.
I didn't believe when blanca told me that she practises more tan two sports, she doesn't look strong.
Blanca Tovar Calvo 1º Bach B
ResponderEliminarI didn't know that Conchi has a pet, she has a dog, I also found out that she has eated recently at McDonalds.
When I talked to Noelia she told me that she was born out of Extremadura.
I didn't know that Luis was born in August and now I also know that he visited a foreign country during summer break.
I found out that Alba was born in Jenuary.
I found out Carlos can swim very well.
When I talked to Raquel she told me that she is an only child.
I didn´t know Jaime doesn't like pizza.
I didn't know Carlos likes dancing
I did't know that Samuel has a pet and that he doesn't like sweets.
ResponderEliminarI found out that Laura likes blue better than red or orange and also she told me that she likes dancing.
Now I know that Jorge M. was born in August and I asked him and he told me that he has travelled to Britain.
Jaime told me that he doesn't like pizza and he was born in January, also he told me that he can swim very well.
I found out that Pilar read a good book over the last summer..
Irene told me that she can play chess and i asked her and she answered me that she walks to school everyday.
Now i know that Ainoa visited a museum during the summer and Eloy told me that he drank coffe at breakfast last Monday.
I don't know that Ana is good at maths and I asked Raquel and she told me that she is an only child.
Carlos Sánchez Rumbo. 1ºB
Ana Belén Agúndez Manzano, 1º BACH B
ResponderEliminarNow I know that Ainoa has a pet and she also told me that she likes dancing.
I found out that Irene visited a museum during the summer.
Now I know that Karen was born out of Extremadura.
I didn’t know that Raquel is an only child.
Now I know that Jaime doesn’t like pizza.
I found out that Luis Fernando was born in August.
I didn’t know that Samu can swim well.
I didn’t know that Jorge visited a foreign country during summer break.
Javier Salas Navareño 1º B
ResponderEliminarI didn´t know that Jorge was born in August and also he was born in Extremadura.
I would have never thought that Samu is an only child.
When I talked to Edu I discovered that he can play chess.
I found out that Irene has a pet.
I didn´t know that Pilar has traveled to Britain .
I was surprised when Ana said to me that she is good at maths.
I would never imagine that Jaime can swim well.
And I finally found out that Romana speaks more than two languages and also he has travelled to Britain
I didn't know that Samuel has a pet, he has a dog called "Miko" and he also told me that he has eaten at McDonalds recently.
ResponderEliminarI found out that Raquel walks to school every day.
Now I know that Noelia was born out of Extremadura.
I didn't know that Carlos practices more than two sports, he told me that he practices Basketball and sometimes he goes swimming.
Now I know that Eduardo was born in August and Ana was born in January.
I found out that Ainoa likes blue better than red or orange.
I didn't know that Laura is an only child.
Now I know that Javier likes rice better than potatoes.
Jaime Corchado Alegre 1º Bach B.
I didn't know that Ainoa visited a museum during the summer.
ResponderEliminarI found out that Andrea likes dancing and practices more than two sports.
I didn't know that Eloy speaks more than two languages.
I didn't know that miguel can play chess.
I didn't know Samuel likes McDonalds and he has eaten recently and likes blue better than red or orange.
Now I know that Noelia was born in August.
I found out Raquel is an only child.
Virginia Molano Garcia (1ºB)
Carmen Pizarro Pablos (1ºB)
ResponderEliminarI found out that Raquel is an only child.
I didn’t know that Laura doesn´t like sweets.
I would have never imagined that Jaime doesn´t like pizza.
Now I know that Blanca speaks more than two languages.
I found out that Irene was born on January.
I didn´t know that Luisfer visited a foreign country during summer break.
If I hadn't asked, I wouldn't have known that Inés visited a museum during the summer.
Ana told me that she likes rice better than potatoes, I didn't know it.
I found out that Conchi has travelled to Britain and she too told me that she has a pet.
I didn’t know that Blanca does not like sweets.
ResponderEliminarNow I know that Noelia was born in August and she also told me that she walks to school every day.
When I talked with Ana Belen se told me that she is a good swimmer.
I found out that Jorge Macedo has a pet and I thought that he didn’t have any pet.
I wouldn’t have know that Virginia doesn’t like pizza and now I know she likes blue better than red or orange
I didn’t know that Jaime likes rice better than potatoes and he talked me that he has at least one grandparent still alive
I thought that Virginia was born in August and she talked me that she was born in January, I didn’t know this.
Finally, I didn’t know that Pilar is an only child and now I know this.
Inés Carmen Almena Domínguez 1ºB
ResponderEliminarI found out that Blanca has a pet, she has a dog. She also told me that she speaks more than two languages and that she read a good book over the last summer.
I asked Alba and she told me that she has at least one grandparent still alive and that she walks to school every day.
Karen told me that she likes dancing. I would never thought that she prefers blue than red or orange.
Now I know that Irene is good at maths.
I found out that Laura has eaten at McDonalds recently. She also told me that she visited a foreign country during summer break.
I didn't know that Raquel is an only child and that Edu can play chess.
I discovered that Eva likes rice better than potatoes and that Jaime doesn't like pizza!
Now I know that Carmen drank coffee at breakfast the other day. She also told me that she has visited more than two countries.
I talked to Noelia and she told me that she was born out of Extremadura, she was born in Madrid, and that she was born in August.
I discovered that Conchi has travelled to Britain.
Luis Fernando Gallego Diaz 1ºB
ResponderEliminarI didn´t know that Eloy has a pet and i found out that Eloy likes blue better than red or orange.
Now i know that Noelia was born in August.
I found out that miguel can swim very well ¡¡¡ And he speaks more than two languages.
I didn´t know that Jaime doesn´t like Pizza and i found out that Jaime practices more than two sports
I found out that Irene Gallego likes dancing and i didn´t know that Pilar is an only child.
Eloy Montero Antona (1ºB)
ResponderEliminar-Now i know that Noelia was born in august.
-I didn´t know that jorge war born in Extremadura.
-I didn´t know that Irene likes rice better than patatoes.
-I found out that Ana likes dancing.
-Now i know that Pedro walks to school everyday.
-I found out that Jaime don´t like pizza.
-Now i know that Raquel is an only child.
-I didn´t know that Blanca does not like sweets.
-I didn´t know irene likes Mcdonnald.
Pilar Maya (1ºB)
ResponderEliminar-I didn't know that Irene takes showers instead of baths.
-Now I know that Eloy has eaten at McDonalds recently
-Conchi told me that she had visited more than two countries
-Now I know that Blanca speaks more than two languages and she doesn’t like sweets
-I didn’t know that Raquel is an only child and that she has at least one grandparents still alive
-I found out that Laura walks to school every day.
-Now I know that Alba can play chess and she was born in January.
-I didn’t know that Jorge visited a museum during the summer and he was born in August
-I found out that Irene Gallego likes dancing
Noelia Mayordomo Pinilla 1º BACH B.
ResponderEliminarI would have never thought that Jaime doesn't like pizza.
I found out that Jorge was born in August, I thought that I was the only one.
I found out that Irene likes dancing.
Now I know that Carlos likes rice better than patatoes.
When I talked with Ana she told me that she can swim well.
Conchi told me that she has visited Britain.
Now I know that Raquel is an only child.
Carmen told me that she walks to school every day and she had had coffee for breakfast.