Would you risk your life for other people? Well, some people do. They are real heroes. The heroes at Fukushima have just been awarded the Prince of Asturias.
Read about them and enter comments with your opinion.
The 2011 Prince of Asturias Award for Concord has been bestowed on the “heroes of Fukushima”. The Jury for the Award announced its decision in Oviedo.
This group of people represent the highest values of the human condition by trying to prevent, through their sacrifice, the nuclear disaster caused by the tsunami that struck Japan from multiplying its devastating effects, disregarding the grave consequences that this decision would have on their lives. Their courageous and exemplary behaviour has earned them the international epithet “heroes of Fukushima”.
Following the massive earthquake and tsunami that occurred in north-eastern Japan on March 11, 2011 and which caused around 28,000 deaths and displaced some 350,000 people, Fukushima nuclear power plant suffered significant damage resulting in hydrogen explosions and fusion of nuclear fuel. The International Atomic Energy Agency and the Japanese government initially placed the alert levels between 5 and 6 on a scale of 7, and finally at 7, as after the Chernobyl accident.
Despite major uncertainty regarding the development of the nuclear emergency, the different groups that worked for weeks in Fukushima did so under extreme conditions (high radiation, continuously rotating shifts and only a few hours of rest, and limited supplies of food and drinking water). Despite these grave consequences, they continued to participate in the efforts to regain control of the nuclear plant, aware of how essential their work was to prevent a catastrophe of even greater magnitude.
The work was carried out by different groups of people: employees of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the plant’s operator; of its 130 workers, 50 volunteered, as did some workers who had already retired or were nearing retirement, and, after increasing the number of rotating shifts and the needs for personnel, additional staff was hired (by May 3, 1,312 workers had intervened in Fukushima); fire fighters from various prefectures, especially from Tokyo, who participated in the work of cooling the reactors, a key task to restore control of the plant; and the police forces and Self-Defence Forces of Japan, whose work cooling the reactors by launching water from helicopters, inspecting the damage from the air, cordoning off the exclusion area and evacuating people when the reactors emitted very high doses of radiation was very important.
The behaviour of these people has also embodied the values most deeply rooted in Japanese society, such as the sense of duty, personal and family sacrifice for the greater good and dignity in the face of adversity, humility, generosity and courage.
María Pajuelo Vinagre 1ºBach D.
ResponderEliminarI think that these persons have been winning well because they have traversed big risks for saving the injured men
I think these people deserve the Principe de Aturias Award because they have risked their lifes
ResponderEliminarfor saving the people of the nuclear plant dangerous´s whithout control and beacause all they have known keeping the repair in the face of a critical situation.
I think people deserve These Asturias Award of the Prince Because they have known how to react to a serious situation and there were many lives at risk.
ResponderEliminarIt was a new very important
I think that these people deserve this award, Principe de Asturias, cause they risked their lives when they could be in their homes, relaxed.
ResponderEliminarThey decided to go to the Nuclear plant to try to save the inhabitants, knowing that they could catch a desease or have serius consequences for all their lives, they are really heroes.
Santos 1 bachillerato f
ResponderEliminarThey are very courageous people. Humility is a good value and also generosity and personal sacrifice. All these values appear when you have a strong sense of duty.
I think these people deserve this award and many more, they have risked their lives and health, to save others. They are truly heroes, with much courage to face difficult situation really did not think such people could exisit.
ResponderEliminarI think we should take example from this people, who were able to prevent, through their sacrifice, the nuclear disaster caused by the tsunami in Japan. They are real heroes because not many people are willing to risk their lifes for other people. I think this is a real act of generosity that deserves with no doubt The Prince of Asturias Award.
ResponderEliminarI think that this people have courage, that not everyone would be able. For me they are a really heroes, that save lives without asking anything in return. They really deserve The Prince of Asturias Award. Thanks to them, these people continue their lives and their families.
ResponderEliminarLaura Morán Domínguez 1ºBch D.
ResponderEliminarI believe that this brave group of people have had an exemplary behaviour and a great generosity by trying to prevent the nuclear disaster which would have been a worldwide catastrophe, caused by the tsunami that struck Japan and ignoring the grave consequences that this decision would have on their health and families. For these reasons, I admire them and I think that they deserve The Prince of Asturias Award and their nickname: “heroes of Fukushima”.
Carmen García Rodríguez 1º Bach. D
ResponderEliminarI value very much the labor of these 50 workers who remained in the nuclear plant, because they risked their life to try to save the inhabitants and city.
I think that they deserve the "Principe de Asturias'" for thier good action.
Alberto Martín Sánchez 1ºBach. D
ResponderEliminarI think that the rescue workers are real heroes . There aren´t many people that put in risk her life for to save other people. these people deserve the Principe de Aturias Award because they have risked their lifes for saving the injured people.
Carlota Rubio Matute. 1ºBCH - F
ResponderEliminarMy opinion on this history of the heroes of Fukushima is that they are very brave.
They deserve the prize of ''The 2011 Prince of Asturias Award for Concord'', because they have much courage.
The essential was to prevent a catastrophe of even greater magnitude.
They are really heroes.
The sense of duty, personal and family sacrifice for the greater good and dignity in the face of adversity, humility, generosity and courage describes people who helped.
Víctor Borrella Daza 1ºBCH F
ResponderEliminarI think that these heroes have given their lives in exchange for many. These men are brave and generous. I think they deserve the Prince of Asturias Award and many more prizes.
These people are truly behave like heroes because they save people without getting anything in return only with the motivation and satisfaction of doing the right thing
ResponderEliminar1 bach D
ResponderEliminarThese people are truly behave like heroes because they save people without getting anything in return only with the motivation and satisfaction of doing the right thing
In my opinion if all the people were like them we would live in a perfect world because these heroes teach us values such as sacrifice,courage or generosity which aren't easy to find in the world and they are much needed.
ResponderEliminarJuan Luis Martin Palomino 1º bach D (comentario anterior)
ResponderEliminarSara Rosillo 1ºbch D
ResponderEliminarLiving in Fukushima is now possible because a group of heros the workers in the nuclear central.
This year this accident was very famous because a lot of people died because a terrible earthquate happened.
Jaime Flores Luján 1ºBachF
ResponderEliminarI think that these firefighters are a real heroes.They knew about the danger but they took the risk and went to the nuclear power station.They risked their lives with the fire and radiation.They offered them selves as volunters,they have a big sense of duty.They aren`t many people like then
Ángela Maya Fernández 1ºBch. D
ResponderEliminarI think that this is one of the worst natural disasters of the world and they are real heroes. If something similar had happened in Spain, we hadn’t done what they have done because we aren’t taught the values that they have. We think more in ourselves than in other and we haven’t got the same organization as they. They deserve this award and more.
Rocío Corchado de la Romana. 1º Bach D
ResponderEliminarI think that I hadn´t been able to act like them who risked his life because I´d be afraid. They deserve the prize because they acted in a manner beyond reproach.
Marina Rodríguez Díaz. 1º Bach D.
ResponderEliminarI agree with they have won the Prince of Asturias.
No many people would do that they did for all the people of Fukushima,especially the volunteers!
Marina Angélica Dionisio Flores 1ºBCH "D" Nº4
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion it's is a good idea to give this prize to these heroes because they have been very brave. When a disaster like that happen all the people should help but it's difficult to risk your life, I think that all depends of the culture. While the minority of the people is trying to save lives, some other cultures think that is better to stay home. The heroes of Fukushima are part of this minority so we have to praise them because without their help all would be worse than it's now.
Blanca Clemente Vázquez 1ºD Bachillerato.
ResponderEliminarI think that the rescue workers are real heroes . They deserve this award and many more because they have risked their lives and health, to save others.
I wish, everyone were so brave and had many volunteers for these actions.
I think that the rescue workers are real heroes because they risk their lives for the others. I think that they deserve a prize for their humanitarian labors.
ResponderEliminar1º Bch D ~~> NINA BECHERU
ResponderEliminarI think that the rescue workers are real heroes . There aren´t many people that put in risk her life for to save other people.
I think they have more than deserved Principe Asturias award for his heroic efforts, and corage.Everyone and each of the people who dedicated his life to save all those people at risk are heroes.
Teresa de Sande Expósito 1ºBach D
ResponderEliminarI think the people who risk their lives to save others, are heroes. They endanger their health, they are risking their lives to save the lives of people who they sometimes do not know. They should receive much awards because they are very brave and not everyone would do what they do.
Enrique Pérez Rodriguez 1ºBach D
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion the rescue workers are a people who deserves a award, because they are real heroes. They risk their lives to save other stranger people.I would like to be volunter for these action because I would feel very well with me.
Laura Rodríguez Ruiz 1º Bach. D
ResponderEliminarI think that´s incredible; these people are true heroes because they risk their lives for their country and they are putting their health at risk.
I admire the courage and bravery of these heroes , they deserve several awards for their sacrifice.
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarMarina Pérez Fagundo 1º Bach. D
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion society unknowns people who risk their lives to save others. They think that heroes are really from films and false stories. But it's important to be aware of it.
The rescue workers in Fukushima deserve many prizes because their courage has saved a lot of lives. it's important people appreciate work which was done by them.
Guillermo Mena Borrega 1º Bach.D
ResponderEliminarI think they are true heroes, who risked their lives to save others, they had demostrated exemplary behavior and courage,not usually is recognize things like that and I think deserved the Prince of Asturias Prize.
Victoria Plata Ramos 1ºBACH.D
ResponderEliminarI think that they are very courageous, because they risked their lifes to save a lot of people. It is a major act to humanity and sacrifice.
For my are heroes,because many people wouldn't have this, asking nothing.
Miguel Ángel Arroyo Clemente 1º Bach D. I think these people are true heroes, risk their lives for the benefit of others and thanks to them they were able to resolve a little
ResponderEliminarInmaculada Alvarado Esteban 1º Bach.D
ResponderEliminarI think that these people are true heroes,because they risked their lifes to save other people. I think that these people are very brave and modest.
They won the Prince of Asturias because they saved a lot of people.
Irene Carrasco Santano 1º Bach D
ResponderEliminarAfter reading this article, I can say that there aren't enough people like them. They are brave and they don't care only about themselves, they want to save lives even if this means that they have to risk their own life. They are truly heroes, although they haven't got a cape or a name like "Superman".
So in my opinion, they deserve this award and thousands more.
Rebeca Mellado Soler - 1ºBachillerato-D
ResponderEliminarI think these people and all people who risk their own lives to save others are true heroes.
They helped others without expecting anything in return and I admire his courage, his generosity and humanity.
In my opinion we should all learn from them and have more solidarity.