Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly, and they will show themselves great.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

lunes, 15 de enero de 2024



In the EBAU test you will have a grammar section with 6 sentences. You will have to choose 4 sentences.

1.-People can find these products in the new shop. (Transform to a passive sentence)

2.-If my friend told me her problem, I could help her. (Rephrase into the third conditional)

3.-Mary works with me. Her son is a plastic surgeon. (Join using a relative pronoun)

4.-"Let's organise a surprise party for my brother next weekend" Laura suggested. (1. reported speech starting with “Laura suggested”  2. reported speech starting with “Laura said”)

5.- Smith and Carlos were rushed from the stadium, suspended by the U.S. team, and kicked out of the Olympic Village for turning their medal ceremony into a political statement. (change to future simple negative interrogative)

6.- Already this year there have been anti-government protests in Tunisia and Egypt, where people have taken to the streets to voice their anger. (Split this relative sentence into two sentences)

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